The Holidays are Over?

No, surely not yet! Does anyone feel like they blinked and the holiday break was over? I do! We had a wonderful time visiting all sides of our family and now that mine has “officially” grown to include Michael’s side, we did some extra traveling and holiday cheering this year. I have been so blessed to be welcomed into his side with open arms and lots of love this year! Even though I already felt very much a part of his family before our wedding made us officially family, it was nice celebrate knowing it’s permanent 🙂

But I know what you all are itching to find out…WHAT KINDA LOOT DID YOU GET? No worries, I’m excited to share! Since adjusting to a tighter {husband approved} budget, I haven’t done as much shopping this year as I have typically done in the past. That means I was really excited to get some stylish things on my list!


steve madden riding boots

Riding Boots: Intyce: Steve by Steve Madden

Gold Watch: Guess

Ballet Flats: Kingdom by Steve Madden

 COACH Poppy  rollerball

Coach Poppy by Poppy Rollerball

And with some Christmas money from my grandparents… (will I EVER get too old for that? Never!)

Paige Peg Jeans from Nordstrom Rack (Yay for sales!)

faux fur clutch coat

Faux Fur Clutch Coat: Damsalle from Nordstrom Rack (holla!)

I’ll share some of the other gifts in later posts but I am one happy {and stylish} camper for now. And because I missed you over the holidays…Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of my readers! Thank you for listening to be blabber about the things I love and whatever excites me. Part of my New Years Resolution is to add more structure and consistency to my blog. Sit tight because I hope to continue to get better!

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